Wednesday 23 April 2014

FRONTPAGE: Anti-Semitic Violence, Neo-Nazis and the Anti-Israel Left

Anti-Semitic Violence, Neo-Nazis and the Anti-Israel Left

By Daniel Greenfield

How the Anti-Israel left contributed to the Kansas City attack.
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Anti-Semitic Violence, Neo-Nazis and the Anti-Israel Left
Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 18, 2014 @ 12:56 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | No Comments
The Nation Institute’s headquarters in a classic twelve story building just off Manhattan’s pricey Union Square is a long way from Frazier Glenn Miller’s digs in Marionville, Missouri.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which spent a great deal of time monitoring Miller, would never have thought to watch an institute whose board of trustees include a former New York Times editor, a music industry executive and a president of the Center for Constitutional Rights.
They would be even less likely to look at Perseus LLC, a private equity fund out in Bethesda, Maryland, or the seemingly innocuous Puffin Foundation operating out of a wealthy New Jersey suburb.
But when Frazier Glenn Miller pulled the trigger at a Jewish Community Center and a Jewish retirement community, his inspiration didn’t only come from Mein Kampf. Miller’s story is revealing of how the old anti-Semitism of the Neo-Nazis interacts with the new anti-Semitism of the Anti-Israel left and how wealthy progressives finance a culture of hate that can explode in violence a thousand miles away.
In 2012, Miller enthusiastically posted a link to an interview with Max Blumenthal, a Puffin Foundation fellow for the Nation Institute.  In the interview, Blumenthal told RT, a Russian propaganda channel notorious for promoting extremists, bigots and conspiracists, that Israel was plotting to go after Ron Paul and Obama.
Citing his work for Al-Akhbar, a paper linked to the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Blumenthal claimed that “the media in the United States is terrified of the Israel lobby” and that the Democratic Party’s base was turning on Israel which was “of great concern to the Jewish establishment”.
It was a mild interview by Blumenthal standards, but still of interest to Miller.
“They themselves, are exposing the jewish menace, big time,” Miller wrote at the Vanguard News Network. VNN is one of the internet’s more popular Neo-Nazi forums. Its owner has said, “The thing to be done about [the Jews] is to kill them, exterminate them.”
A Neo-Nazi site might seem like a surprising place for a Nation Institute fellow, but there was plenty of overlap between VNN and the Anti-Israel left when it came to the Jewish State. It would be easy to dismiss the collision between the radical son of Bill Clinton’s senior advisor and a violent extremist, but the popularity of Blumenthal’s work at VNN was not accidental.
Blumenthal is mentioned over 300 times at VNN; mostly for his attacks on Jews and Israel. VNN members eagerly ate up Blumenthal’s conspiracy theories about Israel and every bit of negative reporting about Jews. One Blumenthal video even suggested that Rabbis were plotting to kill non-Jewish children.
It was as good as a blood libel.
As one VNN member wrote, “Max Blumenthal seems to do a pretty fair job representing his people as they actually are.”
When Miller ranted about “Bush and his Zionist bosses” or “The Zionist Jews and their gentile prostitute government managers”; his hate meshed with the hateful material that Blumenthal was putting out.
The similarities between Max Blumenthal and his Neo-Nazi audience went genocidally deeper.
At the University of Pennsylvania, Blumenthal was asked whether “Israel should be ended entirely.”
Blumenthal replied that the Jewish population of Israel had a choice between becoming “part of the Arab world” and offered an alternative to ethnic cleansing in abstruse language that would have done the Third Reich’s Wannsee  Conference proud, stating that, “The maintenance and engineering of a non-indigenous demographic majority is non-negotiable.”
That choice between voluntary and involuntary ethnic cleansing would have to be imposed on Jews in Israel, according to Max, ”through external pressure such as the BDS movement.”
Max Blumenthal did not believe that Muslims in Europe have to become part of the West or face ethnic cleansing. That is where he and The Nation Institute part ways from Frazier Glenn Miller and VNN. Their racism is more selective, but when it came to Jews, they were all on the same page.
The Nation Institute’s book arm, in partnership with the Perseus Book Group, published Goliath; Blumenthal’s furious attack on the Jewish State. The book, with chapters such as “How To Kill Goyim And Influence People” and “The Concentration Camp” was described by The Nation’s own reviewer as “The ‘I Hate Israel’ Handbook” and a potential selection of the “Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club”.
Despite that Perseus and The Nation Institute went on promoting and selling Goliath. They were not concerned by the fact that even critics of Israel found Blumenthal’s hatred over the top. And even now, after Miller’s killings in Kansas City, they have shown no willingness to stop profiting from the hate.
Goliath was repeatedly mentioned at VNN with links to positive reviews of the tract. After Miller’s shooting spree, VNN commenters linked to a Mondoweiss post which defended Blumenthal. “They are trying to link Blumenthal to the shooting/shooter like some people are trying to link Mr. Linder (VNN’s owner). So it isn’t happening just with WNs (white nationalists.)”
Blumenthal had also posted at Mondoweiss which is closest to the intersection between Neo-Nazis and the Anti-Israel left.
One of its writers had said, “I do not consider myself an anti-Semite, but I can understand why some are.” Another had written that, “Israel is no normal state, but one governed by the forging of Zionist system-logic into a Satanic ideology.”
Alan Sabrosky, wrote at Mondoweiss that “an awful lot of American Jews” are “agents of a foreign government” and called for “excising” the cancer. Elsewhere he wrote that, “I don’t care if we’re called anti-Semites or not”, claimed that most American Jews are “traitors” and accused Israel of being behind the September 11 attacks.
Mondoweiss’ Jeffrey Blankfort went so far in his hatred for Israel as to assert that, “When it comes to talking about Israel-Palestine — David Duke and Pat Buchanan are more informative than Noam Chomsky or people on the left.”
He also endorsed Holocaust denial.
Blankfort’s statements show how thin the line between the Neo-Nazi and the Anti-Israel activist has become.
As Stalin allied with Hitler to invade Poland, the Anti-Israel left has aligned with Nazis to fight Israel.
It may be a long way from Manhattan to Marionville, but The Nation Institute’s promotion of hate has made the ideological distance considerably shorter. After Miller’s shootings, it’s time for The Nation Institute, the Puffin Foundation and Perseus LLC to conduct a moral reckoning and consider the consequences of the hateful rhetoric coming out of their institutions, grantees and publishing houses.
And it’s time for the rest of the Anti-Israel left to do the same thing.
Max Blumenthal and the Nation Institute didn’t turn Frazier Glenn Miller into a bigot, but they provided fresh materials to feed his bigotry. And it’s hard to say how many VNN members who might have been wavering in their bigoted beliefs had their hatred reinforced by supporting materials from the left.
When the culture of hate toward Israel on the left has become almost indistinguishable from Neo-Nazis, and when violent bigots feast on hateful propaganda put out by progressive non-profits, the left must either conduct a moral reckoning and clean its house, or accept that when it comes to Jews, it is on the same page as a murderer who signed the post in which he linked to Max Blumenthal, “Sieg Heil.”
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    It may seem at first to be an odd coupling, but the Anti-Israel Left and the Neo-Nazis are both driven by such insensate hate that there is no real difference between them. Their ideological differences are trivial and irrelevant compared to their maniacal hatred.There never was much difference between the Nazis and the Communists, anyway. Fueled by envy and hate, both are peopled by soulless psychopaths, melting down with malevolence, bent on nihilism, but obsessed with destroying Jews for a host of insane reasons. Like the Islamists, they are minions of great evil.
    The world is in a very dangerous state. Today we heard of jews in Ukraine being told to register, or else. We have the Neo-Nazis collaborating with the rabid Left and Islamists. Great evil is rising, the likes of which hasn't been seen since WWII.
    It is apparently no coincidence that when evil grows in this world, Jews are its first and preferred target. Evil seems to personify, taking the very existence of the Jewish people as a personal insult, frothing in narcissistic rage that despite all of its relentless and reprehensible efforts, the Jewish people survive. And then there are those many people to hate and destroy.
    I'm afraid we're all in for a rough ride, but evil will ultimately fail and the Lord will prevail.
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        National SOCIALISTS and Soviet SOCIALISTS signed a non-aggression pact in 1939.
        Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - AKA hitler-Stalin Pact
        They both invaded and divided up Poland.
        Clearly SOCIALISM is an Evil that continues to plague the world.
          • Avatar
            You need a bit of a history lesson. That pact was one of strategy, not principle. The Nazis broke it in June 1941 because it no longer served their interests. As for Left-socialists and Nazis, they ALWAYS have despised each other. I have never known anyone on the Left to say so much a kind word about fascists and Nazis -- or vice versa.
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                If you had read "Mein Kampf" (and I have) you would know that Hitler was a true socialist, a creature of the left. He hated the bourgeoisie and considered his movement a revolution for the German people. With his emphasis on statism and the subordination of individual rights to the greater "Fatherland", the picture comes into focus.
                Even his intolerance of free speech, religious rights, and emphasis on collective group identification are all signs of a leftist.
                Italy's fascists also came from the left with similar views of the workers party. Fascism, Nazism, communism, and Islamism all stem from the same political ideology or worldview. There is no free speech, freedom of religion, or freedom of thought. Only conservatives cherish and protect these natural rights, not the left.
                  • Avatar
                    Exactly...Freedom does not exist under dictators. Hitler's principle is exactly what lying, ruthless leaders everywhere bank on to get their way with the public. They understand how to manipulate, deceive, and Intimidate.
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                        They don't get there without the people's vote. That's the sad part of political indoctrination. No wonder so much of your taxes is spent on brainwashers. They must be laughing at the docility of the sheep as they are led to their own demise.
                        • Avatar
                          Do conservatives place any emphasis on collective group identification? Is the Republican Party a collective group with an identification as such?
                          You should rethink this identification of individuals vs identification of collective groups perspective. It is liberalism 101.
                          The immigration policy of Britain was based on viewing immigrants as individuals. This was and still is a disaster because the Islamic immigrants arrived and established themselves collectively as groups and identify themselves as such. Many of them now insist on Sharia law being implemented and clash with the indigenous Brits in numerous ways.
                          Again, you have bought the lie of the Left leaving yourself wide open to abuse. At some point a nation MUST identify itself as a collective group and defend itself as such or it will cease to exist!
                          Paul Weston teaches us what can happen when you view people as individuals rather than as collective groups...
                            see more
                            • Avatar
                              Conservatives should not place emphasis on collective group identification as to the assignment of values. This is the liberal position, not the conservative one.
                              Paul Weston makes the mistake of thinking that skin color defines an individual. It does not. This does not change the fact that Islamism is bad - it is and should be fought - but from a civil rights perspective, not a skin color one.
                              Democracies live and die on the majority vote. It is the system we set up. If demographics change the majority to those you disagree with (like Democrats) what is the solution?
                                • Avatar
                                  Judahlevi's perspective on individual/collective group identification is workable but only for homogeneous societies. This is where he misses it. For decades the Left has urged us to shed every trace of our collective identity. Those who actually benefit from this are the very ones who identify themselves and everyone else as collective groups.
                                  I understand his perspective but he misapplies it. He either denies the existence of or doesn't want to live in an us-versus-them world.
                                    • Avatar
                                      It works best in a non-homogenous society - which is all societies. There is no such thing as a homogenous society. All societies are diverse.
                                        • Avatar
                                          Complete utter tosh and inane drivel. Where ever so called multicultural nonsense is tried, you get a Balkans.
                                            • Avatar
                                              Individualism is the cure for multiculturalism, not the cause.
                                              If you put people in groups and assign values to them, you are a multiculturalist.
                                                • Avatar
                                                  When it comes right down to it, we are all tribal by nature and live with our own, it is human nature. No amount of leftist diversity nonsense shoved down peoples throats is going to change that. 
                                                  This country was founded on rugged individualism and it worked, until that traitor Kennedy and company changed the demographics of this nation, now instead of melting pot, we have now become boiling pot in a pressure cooker, if you want to know how this turns out? Look at the Balkans.
                                                  • Avatar
                                                    Not when it takes place over time. It's the 21st century. People are on the move. Marriages are taking place between peoples who had previously never met. More and more children are being born of mixed genes. Whether you like it or not, the dye has been cast. The problem is that those who's visions we were forced to follow, did not leave us with the wear-with-all to cope financially with the onslaught of human detritus falling from their sad attempts at regressive empire building in the East.
                                                      • Avatar
                                                        In the 21st century as history has proved time and time again, when you force people to live together that have no shared values, conflict always results. You will without any doubt see it again shortly.
                                                      • Avatar
                                                        Not true - especially in Asia.
                                                      • Avatar
                                                        It is an inevitable fact that multicultural societies end up with collectively identifiable groups competing with each other over resources and political power.
                                                          • Avatar
                                                            You speak of "our" which suggests that you feel part of a collective but do not name your club of like minded/skinned/religious members. It does sound rather exclusive.
                                                            • Avatar
                                                              Paul Weston is fantastic!
                                                                • Avatar
                                                                  I see you blame the British Left for the wide open door for immigrants. You are not wrong but, why didn't the Conservatives make any attempt to shut it? Instead they have lied and fiddled the figures. The truth is, there is only one 'side' in politics and it ain't yours. Cheap labour is the name of the game.
                                                                  How is it in the US?
                                                                    • Avatar
                                                                      And you will have bloodshed on a massive scale because of it. A Balkans on steroids is coming.
                                                                        • Avatar
                                                                          Britain is an example of "allowing millions of Muslims in"
                                                                          If I wanted live in Britain, or USA, as a white man, no matter what my religion is, I would find it very difficult to ge a residence, work permit to live in Britain, or a green card to live in USA.
                                                                          But they have allowed millions of Muslims in. Surely, they must have known what the agends of Islam is. "we will rule the world and convert the world to Islam with a calophate, and sharia law"
                                                                          Unfortunately, most European countries have also allowed millions of Muslims in.
                                                                          What is the result of Islamic immigration, say, in Britain?
                                                                          They have taken oven many areas and any non Mulsim entering their "Islamic mini state" is in trouble.
                                                                          Even the Brityish police are afraid to enter those "mini Islamic states'
                                                                          How many of them actually work?
                                                                          They live on the dole. Workers tax money.
                                                                          Even those who do work have taken jobs from the British people who do work
                                                                          What about the crime rate in Britain?.
                                                                          What was a Christian country, is becoming an islamic sharia law country.
                                                                          How long will it ba before there is a Muslim PM?
                                                                          Where is the church?
                                                                          What has happened to the British? . Many have forgotten their religion and stay away from church.
                                                                          The answer is, before it is too late, Send them back to their deserts.
                                                                          "convert Britain and USA and other EU countries, back to the original religions.
                                                                            see more
                                                                      • Avatar
                                                                        Well stated. Your description in your last paragraph makes one visualize a "Tree of Evil" with its branches of Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Islamism. It's blossoms are no free speech, no freedom of religion or freedom of thought. A great read for all who are interested in the whys and wherefores of radical Islam should read Dalin and Rothmann's ICON OF EVIL, Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam. History repeats, only the names change. There are, unfortunately, many Jews who do not practice Judaism as their religion - their religion is Liberalism with all its attendant anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism, hidden, of course. The anti-Israel pro-Palestinian worldview, in my opinion, is fostered subconsciously by the, "If I'm nice to the tiger, maybe he'll eat me last" syndrome. The Kapo, Mr. Soros practiced this. Israel has only one true friend today and that is Stephen Harper of Canada. A great friend of Netanyahu and Israel, both in word and deed. Hopefully, with a change of administrations in '16, our country once again will support Israel and be respected, once again on the world stage.
                                                                          • Avatar
                                                                            you would know that Hitler was a true socialist, a creature of the left"
                                                                            I thought 'true socialists' were atheists, though I could be wrong. This could hardly be applied to the 'Christian' Hitler:
                                                                            “Providence withdrew its protection and our people 
                                                                            fell… And in this hour we sink to our knees and beseech our almighty God that He may bless us, that He may give us the strength to carry on the struggle for the freedom, the future, the honor, and the peace of our people. So help us God.” [Hitler]
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                                                                              "That pact was one of strategy, not principle."
                                                                              Is that why today the Left sides with Islamofascists too?
                                                                                • Avatar
                                                                                  And you need a history lesson as well. Seek and you shall find. Read Road to Serfdom and you will see that Nazism is definitely a branch of socialism. The pact was of geopolitical convenience but only in terms of triangulation. It was socialist countries agreeing to terms in the face of the capitalist countries they despised.
                                                                                  To argue that because Marxists and national socialists fight and therefore one is and one isn't just isn't accurate.
                                                                                  Protestants and Catholics have fought. Jews had internecine struggles in the biblical period, etc. Civil wars happen all the time. One of the main points of the Austrian school of economics is that there is no socialism. Only socialisms. Since we are talking about a static pie, one takes and one loses. Those under the system adapt by justifying who takes and who gives up. Violence ensues.
                                                                                    • Avatar
                                                                                      ALWAYS? Not when it came to invading other countries. Both Socialists, the national and the soviet, trampled on the rights of others. Killing whomever they deemed undesirable.
                                                                                      No honest SOCIALIST can claim that Stalin was "anti-fascist" from day one.
                                                                                      Today's Left is in solidarity with fascists, nazis, sand nazis, when it comes to Jews and Israel.
                                                                                        • Avatar
                                                                                          Stop trampling all over history so you can insert your concepts of "left" and "right" into it. It's just a naked attempt to get all the things you don't like in the same pile. Other than giving you a single target to spit down on, it does absolutely no good. FREEDUMB!
                                                                                        • Avatar
                                                                                          BTW Seek, Socialist SHlTler ranted about Bolsheviks - NOT SOCIALISTS.
                                                                                          The NSDAP - national SOCIALIST Deutch/German Arbeiter/WORKERS PARTY exists today in the UK as the SWP SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY.
                                                                                            • Avatar
                                                                                              No, the Nazis broke the agreement cause they thought they would defeat the Russians in a few months after the Nazi invasion in 41.
                                                                                              Hitler had no clue Russians would fight to the death, then add the Russian winter and it was goodbye to the Nazis.
                                                                                                • Avatar
                                                                                                  Socialist comrades - breaking bread together.
                                                                                                  • Avatar
                                                                                                    That "strategy" cost untold numbers of trainfulls of raw materials from Stalin to Hitler when the West and Great Britain were at their weakest. Had not the "Eastern Aryan Jap Empire" decided to attack us in Dec., socialist Stalinists would see their cherished dream come true, the end of Capitalism. England would not have survived without dynamic U.S. support. You misunderstand that overstretched "strategy" becomes "principal".
                                                                                                      • Avatar
                                                                                                        Is there something nice to say about extreme views? They both represent stupidity.
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                                                                                                            People like you who roll over on your back pleading with savages to spare you really are the most despicable. Weak, decadent, self loathing, self hating socialist like yourself are the worst and frankly not worth saving.
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                                                                                                            The difference between National Socialism (or Fascism) is the Communism claims to be international while National Socialism was nationalist. Benito Mussolini was a leader of the Italian Socialist Party, which wanted Italy to stay out of World War I, because socialist dogma was the wars were between capitalist countries. Mussolini was the editor of the Italian Socialist newspaper Avanti. In 1917 he joined the Italian army and changed his views about socialism. Instead of supporting socialism as international, he supported nationalist socialism and founded the Fascist party, the fasces being the ancient symbols of authority of ancient Rome. So the Italian Fascist party was nationalist socialism, as the National Socialist party of Adolf Hitler was.
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                                                                                                              Yes if you go far enough left and right you will find it is a circle and not a line.
                                                                                                                • Avatar
                                                                                                                  The left like to thing of it in a circle but truth be told, fascists and communists are both socialists. Communists are just to the left of fascists with neither favoring free speech and religion. Both are despised by the left.
                                                                                                                  The political spectrum is a line from anarchy, lack of any government to total government control of everything, communist which is the absolute abolition of individual property. The framers of this country moved us just to the left of anarchism with a constitution to guard each person's God given rights as stated in the declaration. Unfortunately, we've moved way left of where we were set up to be and this is primarily because the populace is wholly ignorant of the constitution and the framer's thoughts regarding it.
                                                                                                                  • Avatar
                                                                                                                    The world is in a very dangerous state. Today we heard of jews in Ukraine being told to register, or else"
                                                                                                                    However, we have also learned that, what most of us suspected, the leaflets were fakes, designed to do a bit of basic 'divide and conquer'. Childish stuff.
                                                                                                                    Which "Lord" will prevail? Will it be the Christian Lord who gave us his only son Jesus to relieve us of all our sins by dying an horrendous death on the cross? How many millions, billions even, have died for this one man's suffering (if he ever existed)? I think of those advanced cultures of Central and South America who were annihilated by hordes of righteous Christians wielding crosses and swords.
                                                                                                                    Time to get 21st Century and rid ourselves of these LORDS. Surely by now we can stand on our own feet without resorting to mumbo jumbo.
                                                                                                                      • Avatar
                                                                                                                        You say that the cultures of central and south America were advanced? Well I supposed they were, you know that whole sacrifice thousands thing really does show how advanced they were compared to us of western civilization. You really do hate your own don't you?
                                                                                                                        • Avatar
                                                                                                                          I agree that the signs are ominous, but it is wrong to simply equate Nazism and communism, though both were statist and authoritarian. See Leftist historian Eric Hobsbawm on the subject here: Hobsbawm, Israel, the totalitarian idea."
                                                                                                                            • Avatar
                                                                                                                              What I said was that the hate that drives them makes ideological differences irrelevant. The result is the same, regardless of which derivation of Marxism you're dealing with, or Islam, for that matter. Religions based in hate are all the same in essence. Their occult telos is destruction...the rest is simply designed to deceive people.
                                                                                                                                • Avatar
                                                                                                                                  "Leftist" Hobsbawm was a member of the Communist Party and MARXIST-STALINIST ALL HIS LIFE! All one has to do is Google his name and read the stands he took. I know where you're coming from, "Clare"!!!!
                                                                                                                                    • Avatar
                                                                                                                                      The late eric hobsbawm is no one you should be holding up as a model of honesty.

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